Conger Reynolds correspondence, January 1918
1918-01-13 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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I began the day all wrong. Your wire came about eight and I clean forgot a class I was to teach in analysis. The kids waited twenty minutes and then decided something was wrong & left. An hour late I remembered them. By some mistake I had four different girls all scheduled to take lessons at the same periods thruout the day. We have a recital tomorrow so I shooed them all into the Auditorium and heard their pieces. Easy way out of a difficulty. The whole day has gone wrong. Came today a letter from New York telling of your dinner & evening with the Sanborns, etc. I am jealous because you danced with Mrs. S--, but I am wildly enthusiastic over the plan that she suggested. I know I'll like them if you do and I'm going to hold my breath from this minute until I hear more of this. Don't be silly about giving back presents from the girls. I don't mind (written in margin - What shall I do with the pictures I had made? Yours has not yet come.
I began the day all wrong. Your wire came about eight and I clean forgot a class I was to teach in analysis. The kids waited twenty minutes and then decided something was wrong & left. An hour late I remembered them. By some mistake I had four different girls all scheduled to take lessons at the same periods thruout the day. We have a recital tomorrow so I shooed them all into the Auditorium and heard their pieces. Easy way out of a difficulty. The whole day has gone wrong. Came today a letter from New York telling of your dinner & evening with the Sanborns, etc. I am jealous because you danced with Mrs. S--, but I am wildly enthusiastic over the plan that she suggested. I know I'll like them if you do and I'm going to hold my breath from this minute until I hear more of this. Don't be silly about giving back presents from the girls. I don't mind (written in margin - What shall I do with the pictures I had made? Yours has not yet come.
World War I Diaries and Letters