Conger Reynolds correspondence, January 1918
1918-01-18 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 2
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Why not? Soon I am to set out on a magnificent adventure. Ahead lie possibilities that in prospect would thrill imaginations less vivid than my own. I go in fine health and in a position altogether agreeable in its relative abundance of comfort and attractiveness of duties as compared with the usual lot of the soldier. I have the warm consciousness of your love to make my heart trip lightly with happiness and the glowing prospect of the glorious time to be when I shall return to you. I am resolved to do as you wish in giving my best effort to Uncle Sam. While I am away I shall throw myself heartily into every task that comes to me trusting to the fate that has been already so generous to me to pull me through safely and successfully. I want to make you proud of me, honey, and, by the gods, I will do it. Arrangements have been changed but not enough to make a lot of difference. You will know when I have gone. And then you'll just let me sink into a nice quiet place in your memory where I won't worry you but will occasionally remind you of some happy idea, until I can get the lines of com-
Why not? Soon I am to set out on a magnificent adventure. Ahead lie possibilities that in prospect would thrill imaginations less vivid than my own. I go in fine health and in a position altogether agreeable in its relative abundance of comfort and attractiveness of duties as compared with the usual lot of the soldier. I have the warm consciousness of your love to make my heart trip lightly with happiness and the glowing prospect of the glorious time to be when I shall return to you. I am resolved to do as you wish in giving my best effort to Uncle Sam. While I am away I shall throw myself heartily into every task that comes to me trusting to the fate that has been already so generous to me to pull me through safely and successfully. I want to make you proud of me, honey, and, by the gods, I will do it. Arrangements have been changed but not enough to make a lot of difference. You will know when I have gone. And then you'll just let me sink into a nice quiet place in your memory where I won't worry you but will occasionally remind you of some happy idea, until I can get the lines of com-
World War I Diaries and Letters