Conger Reynolds correspondence, January 1918
1918-01-31 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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occasions, and I very much suspect her. She is the topic of conversation these days, all over town; also a Dr. McNiel who used to be court dentist at Wien is suspected. I go about grinning like a lunatic and nobody suspects me of even the tiniest heart-ache. See what a gay deceiver you have married, Mister? You'll never dare trust me. Mama is not made out of stone these days. She has been guilty of weeping upon several occasions, but your wife, to all appearances, is not a woman but the coldblooded, independant thing you once suspected she was.
occasions, and I very much suspect her. She is the topic of conversation these days, all over town; also a Dr. McNiel who used to be court dentist at Wien is suspected. I go about grinning like a lunatic and nobody suspects me of even the tiniest heart-ache. See what a gay deceiver you have married, Mister? You'll never dare trust me. Mama is not made out of stone these days. She has been guilty of weeping upon several occasions, but your wife, to all appearances, is not a woman but the coldblooded, independant thing you once suspected she was.
World War I Diaries and Letters