Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-07-10 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 4
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(4) Rays idea of staying to see the country is gooffy, I have saw so much destruction and real misery over here that I wont to be able to tell anyone but you because no one else would believe me unless they saw it too. Jordan is sure having a rough time of it I may write him a letter tomorrow it is eleven now I never write to anyone unless I write you one first the same day I think of our love and marriage the same as you but cannot express myself as well as you do your letters and being my wife has made this army life easier to endure, and be tough and hope for a happy
(4) Rays idea of staying to see the country is gooffy, I have saw so much destruction and real misery over here that I wont to be able to tell anyone but you because no one else would believe me unless they saw it too. Jordan is sure having a rough time of it I may write him a letter tomorrow it is eleven now I never write to anyone unless I write you one first the same day I think of our love and marriage the same as you but cannot express myself as well as you do your letters and being my wife has made this army life easier to endure, and be tough and hope for a happy
World War II Diaries and Letters