Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-01-21 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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France Jan 21 1944 [wrote 1944--is this 1945?] Dearest: I have moved again but the address is the same I sure have lived in a lot of different places since comming overseas. Your second Christmas package came the other day it was in good shape not a thing damaged. [illegible] package was all right I can make use of them I really should write them a letter I got a letter from you today it was about a month old most of the letters I get are a month or more getting here I am getting along very well about as good as can be
France Jan 21 1944 [wrote 1944--is this 1945?] Dearest: I have moved again but the address is the same I sure have lived in a lot of different places since comming overseas. Your second Christmas package came the other day it was in good shape not a thing damaged. [illegible] package was all right I can make use of them I really should write them a letter I got a letter from you today it was about a month old most of the letters I get are a month or more getting here I am getting along very well about as good as can be
World War II Diaries and Letters