Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-02-21 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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France Feb. 21, 1945 Dearest, It has been quite some time since I wrote to you We have been going most of the time I haven't received much mail for a month The weather here is milder than at home the snow melted about Feb 1. plenty of rain since some sunshine I am still working in the motor pool, that is just where I like to be I am still with some of the old gang that was in africa. that is better than being put among new men all the time
France Feb. 21, 1945 Dearest, It has been quite some time since I wrote to you We have been going most of the time I haven't received much mail for a month The weather here is milder than at home the snow melted about Feb 1. plenty of rain since some sunshine I am still working in the motor pool, that is just where I like to be I am still with some of the old gang that was in africa. that is better than being put among new men all the time
World War II Diaries and Letters