Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-03-05 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 2
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have good food and good quarters. I like the job I have, and am in good health. I guess that is something to be thankful for I hear mice working some where I guess I will have to set a (trap line) too I see Iowa had a good year in basket ball I would like to saw some of the games maybe we can see some in the future Glad to hear you are getting along well with your work Mrs Hunt and you ought to know all the angles I think of you and home and hope for the time I can be there again Love Lloyd
have good food and good quarters. I like the job I have, and am in good health. I guess that is something to be thankful for I hear mice working some where I guess I will have to set a (trap line) too I see Iowa had a good year in basket ball I would like to saw some of the games maybe we can see some in the future Glad to hear you are getting along well with your work Mrs Hunt and you ought to know all the angles I think of you and home and hope for the time I can be there again Love Lloyd
World War II Diaries and Letters