Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-06-04 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 2
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June 6 I started this letter two days ago but didn't finish it I have been real busy the last two days. I took a load of fellows I knew real well to the station today to start on their way home I hope I will be in one of the groups before very long I think of home and you alot and want to come home I think my part in the war is about over but some of the others do a little It will be good to be home again I have saw so much destruction an every thing else that goes with war Hope to see you before too many months Love Lloyd
June 6 I started this letter two days ago but didn't finish it I have been real busy the last two days. I took a load of fellows I knew real well to the station today to start on their way home I hope I will be in one of the groups before very long I think of home and you alot and want to come home I think my part in the war is about over but some of the others do a little It will be good to be home again I have saw so much destruction an every thing else that goes with war Hope to see you before too many months Love Lloyd
World War II Diaries and Letters