Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-06-19 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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6829 P/W ADM, CO. APD-513 NY, NY France June 19, 1945 Dearest: I am back in France they brought all the fellows with 85 points and more and four of us are over age I am glad I am still with the old group I have only 77 points I think this is the first step toward home how long I don't know maybe a couple of months We are at Epinal again in the same camp we started last year It is much quieter now than before, the front line was just a little way out of town artillery
6829 P/W ADM, CO. APD-513 NY, NY France June 19, 1945 Dearest: I am back in France they brought all the fellows with 85 points and more and four of us are over age I am glad I am still with the old group I have only 77 points I think this is the first step toward home how long I don't know maybe a couple of months We are at Epinal again in the same camp we started last year It is much quieter now than before, the front line was just a little way out of town artillery
World War II Diaries and Letters