Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-06-28 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 2
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I have 82 points now according to the count I have 4 stars to wear on my campaign ribbon each star counts 5 points only one star came the hard way in Africa I may have told you before that I got my infantry combat badge the other day. I don't believe I would ever got it without the help of a good guy in our personell (?) I have 2 pictures I am sending of a close buddy an I taken at Mancy last spring His name is Daniel Huisjack a russian I am a little uneasy around here not much to do I dont have my big truck any more. I drive a small one around here some just waiting for time to pass I always think of home and you and know how good it will be when I finally get there Love Lloyd
I have 82 points now according to the count I have 4 stars to wear on my campaign ribbon each star counts 5 points only one star came the hard way in Africa I may have told you before that I got my infantry combat badge the other day. I don't believe I would ever got it without the help of a good guy in our personell (?) I have 2 pictures I am sending of a close buddy an I taken at Mancy last spring His name is Daniel Huisjack a russian I am a little uneasy around here not much to do I dont have my big truck any more. I drive a small one around here some just waiting for time to pass I always think of home and you and know how good it will be when I finally get there Love Lloyd
World War II Diaries and Letters