Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband,, 1945
1945-07-05 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 2
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to write to them soon. Our whole company is taking it easy, we are all back together now. I would much rather be in Germany working steady I hated to leave my new truck altho it was not new any more I got an old beat up one now I made another deposit in my book today that makes $500.00 I have in it now you are supposed to get it all on discharge I think of you a lot now and would like to have you here to see some of the things because I will never be able to describe them so you can fully understand. Take things as easy as you can. Love Lloyd
to write to them soon. Our whole company is taking it easy, we are all back together now. I would much rather be in Germany working steady I hated to leave my new truck altho it was not new any more I got an old beat up one now I made another deposit in my book today that makes $500.00 I have in it now you are supposed to get it all on discharge I think of you a lot now and would like to have you here to see some of the things because I will never be able to describe them so you can fully understand. Take things as easy as you can. Love Lloyd
World War II Diaries and Letters