Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
1943-01-06 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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Tues nite Dearest. Had a pretty busy 2 days getting ready for the big demonstration tomorrow, all the offices were wild today be good when it is over. Got two good letters today the ones on the first and second, they were very good because you write the way I feel that makes it good that we think the same about everything. Hope the next year wont have so many things turn up that has to be delt with. I still have some hope of getting out of here. It is getting late now so this will be a short letter we have so much extra things to do
Tues nite Dearest. Had a pretty busy 2 days getting ready for the big demonstration tomorrow, all the offices were wild today be good when it is over. Got two good letters today the ones on the first and second, they were very good because you write the way I feel that makes it good that we think the same about everything. Hope the next year wont have so many things turn up that has to be delt with. I still have some hope of getting out of here. It is getting late now so this will be a short letter we have so much extra things to do
World War II Diaries and Letters