Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
1943-01-07 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 2
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the right people at the personal office. I think I will have better luck a fellow from another company is getting along pretty well he gave some advice on how they told him to do it He has got good company officers We have a nite problem tomorrow nite may not get to write I sure would like to be home during your parties I know I would hae good things to eat. we are not getting much here. I think of my wife and it helps I never get blue that is bad I see a lot of that I love my sweetheart and will make a place for you tonite. Love Loyd
the right people at the personal office. I think I will have better luck a fellow from another company is getting along pretty well he gave some advice on how they told him to do it He has got good company officers We have a nite problem tomorrow nite may not get to write I sure would like to be home during your parties I know I would hae good things to eat. we are not getting much here. I think of my wife and it helps I never get blue that is bad I see a lot of that I love my sweetheart and will make a place for you tonite. Love Loyd
World War II Diaries and Letters