Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
1943-01-10 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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Sun nite Dearest, Has been a quiet day around here most of the fellows did a lot of sleeping I stayed in bed too because it was cold in here it is cold yet I hope whoever is the cause of it has to freeze the rest of his life there is always plenty of coal to deep a good fire It has snowed about all day most of it melted not much on the ground Bunce had a tooth pulled last nite he don't feel so well today it was an impacted wisdome tooth I know what that I went thru the same thing once I would like to be home with you I don't hate the army so bad bit I don't like being away from my wife. You have made life good for me in every way. It is sure good to have true affection for the right person If it possible for me to get out and come home I will do it with no feeling of not helping the Jan 11, 43
Sun nite Dearest, Has been a quiet day around here most of the fellows did a lot of sleeping I stayed in bed too because it was cold in here it is cold yet I hope whoever is the cause of it has to freeze the rest of his life there is always plenty of coal to deep a good fire It has snowed about all day most of it melted not much on the ground Bunce had a tooth pulled last nite he don't feel so well today it was an impacted wisdome tooth I know what that I went thru the same thing once I would like to be home with you I don't hate the army so bad bit I don't like being away from my wife. You have made life good for me in every way. It is sure good to have true affection for the right person If it possible for me to get out and come home I will do it with no feeling of not helping the Jan 11, 43
World War II Diaries and Letters