Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
1943-05-11 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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May 11 1943 North Africa Dearest It has been a long time since I wrote. I am in good health and feel fine I imagine there has been a lot of changes around home since I last heard from you. there has been no mail either way for some time. George is probly doing big business by now hope he has good luck with his project Hope you are having good luck with all your doings. I have lost a little weight since I been here. I am with a new outfit now I think it is permanent it is the first I have been assigned to since I been in the army Don't worry too much Love Lloyd
May 11 1943 North Africa Dearest It has been a long time since I wrote. I am in good health and feel fine I imagine there has been a lot of changes around home since I last heard from you. there has been no mail either way for some time. George is probly doing big business by now hope he has good luck with his project Hope you are having good luck with all your doings. I have lost a little weight since I been here. I am with a new outfit now I think it is permanent it is the first I have been assigned to since I been in the army Don't worry too much Love Lloyd
World War II Diaries and Letters