Laura Hutchison Davis letters from her husband, 1943
1943-11-03 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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North Africa Nov. 3, 1943. Dearest.:- Just another of my letters that rambles along and says nothing they are all about the same. I wrote to Everette Elliot at Center Point this forenoon I always write in the truck it is about the only daylight time I have. If I could write about what I am doing it would make the letters more interesting I would like to be able to
North Africa Nov. 3, 1943. Dearest.:- Just another of my letters that rambles along and says nothing they are all about the same. I wrote to Everette Elliot at Center Point this forenoon I always write in the truck it is about the only daylight time I have. If I could write about what I am doing it would make the letters more interesting I would like to be able to
World War II Diaries and Letters