Laura Davis assorted letters, June-September 1942
1942-08-15 Bessie Hutchison to Laura Davis Page 5
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and Mrs. Davis so ill in the hospital, and I don't seem to be making conditions any easier for you, either. You'll have to tell me if you are too busy to bother with all this. If so, we'll call off negotiations. What do you hear from Lloyd? Is he standing army routine well? Maurice, as you probably know, reports for another examination on Aug 20. Doesn't know when he will be called. Everyone at home is about "as usual". Sue leaves for her vacation on the 22nd. Is going home to do the threshing, I guess. Please let me hear from you promptly. Lots of love. Bess
and Mrs. Davis so ill in the hospital, and I don't seem to be making conditions any easier for you, either. You'll have to tell me if you are too busy to bother with all this. If so, we'll call off negotiations. What do you hear from Lloyd? Is he standing army routine well? Maurice, as you probably know, reports for another examination on Aug 20. Doesn't know when he will be called. Everyone at home is about "as usual". Sue leaves for her vacation on the 22nd. Is going home to do the threshing, I guess. Please let me hear from you promptly. Lots of love. Bess
World War II Diaries and Letters