Laura Davis assorted letters, June-September 1942
1942-08-19 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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Wed 19 1942 Dearest: - Another day done & its raining again little cool weather this evening every cool day is just that much to the good more tec. training today I like the classes you can learn a lot if you pay attention & work. Big dice game going again that seems to be the best entertainment for some of the boys I didn't get a letter
Wed 19 1942 Dearest: - Another day done & its raining again little cool weather this evening every cool day is just that much to the good more tec. training today I like the classes you can learn a lot if you pay attention & work. Big dice game going again that seems to be the best entertainment for some of the boys I didn't get a letter
World War II Diaries and Letters