Laura Davis assorted letters, June-September 1942
1942-09-28 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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Camp Croft Sept 28 1942 Dearest:- It is sunday evening again it rained most all forenoon - we stayed in the barracks and looked over sunday papers, it stopped raining about noon. We went to the show this afternoon then had supper had a good supper for a sunday. After that I took a snooze just woke up a few minutes ago it is now 7:00 the clouds are low it looks like more rain I washed a few clothes today didn't have very many I was pretty well caught up before today Hope you are getting over the flu it is no fun to be ill and besides we don't want our little
Camp Croft Sept 28 1942 Dearest:- It is sunday evening again it rained most all forenoon - we stayed in the barracks and looked over sunday papers, it stopped raining about noon. We went to the show this afternoon then had supper had a good supper for a sunday. After that I took a snooze just woke up a few minutes ago it is now 7:00 the clouds are low it looks like more rain I washed a few clothes today didn't have very many I was pretty well caught up before today Hope you are getting over the flu it is no fun to be ill and besides we don't want our little
World War II Diaries and Letters