Laura Davis letters to her husband Lloyd Davis, 1945
1945-06-10 Laura Davis to Lloyd Davis Page 5
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afternoon, Aunt Min phones. She wondered if I still wrote to you, even though she knew Kerry Berchenbuter was still waiting in Le Harve for a ride home. She thought you'd be home so soon it might not be worthwhile. She said Bobby L had been examined again at Ft. Snelling and he visited his folks at Aunt Maud's then. he quit his job at Jarva Manuf. and was looking for work the last Aunt Mun knew. She doesn't hear much from Minnesota I guess. Irene Patrick has to have another fibroid tumor removed. She found out for sure yesterday from Dr. Johnstons' and is to see Dr. Moon on Monday to make the arrangements. She has the old bugs back in her kidney too so they'll try penicillin instead of sulpha while she is in the hospital for the operation. I hope this settles things for her this time. I was over at Carla, Jordana and Rays in that order one long evening last week I don't have gas or time to do a lot of visiting so far away. They all think they have their yard work and so on to do and can't quite get over here. But I don't have those problems! Last year I did not work as hard on the place here and did do more visiting. But I've decided I want it in as much shipshape for you as I can get it, so I am not spending much energy to see any of them but Irene. So I got them all seen
afternoon, Aunt Min phones. She wondered if I still wrote to you, even though she knew Kerry Berchenbuter was still waiting in Le Harve for a ride home. She thought you'd be home so soon it might not be worthwhile. She said Bobby L had been examined again at Ft. Snelling and he visited his folks at Aunt Maud's then. he quit his job at Jarva Manuf. and was looking for work the last Aunt Mun knew. She doesn't hear much from Minnesota I guess. Irene Patrick has to have another fibroid tumor removed. She found out for sure yesterday from Dr. Johnstons' and is to see Dr. Moon on Monday to make the arrangements. She has the old bugs back in her kidney too so they'll try penicillin instead of sulpha while she is in the hospital for the operation. I hope this settles things for her this time. I was over at Carla, Jordana and Rays in that order one long evening last week I don't have gas or time to do a lot of visiting so far away. They all think they have their yard work and so on to do and can't quite get over here. But I don't have those problems! Last year I did not work as hard on the place here and did do more visiting. But I've decided I want it in as much shipshape for you as I can get it, so I am not spending much energy to see any of them but Irene. So I got them all seen
World War II Diaries and Letters