Laura Davis letters to her husband Lloyd Davis, 1945
1945-06-22 Laura Davis to Lloyd Davis Page 1
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817-19 St S.E Cedar Rapids, Iowa June 22, 1945 Dearest, Here it is the middle of morn at the office but I'm taking time out to send you the news. Leone just called to say that Carol got a telegram & a phone call from Jerry. He landed yesterday at Boston and e is being moved to J.B. Carol has a married sister in St. Louis and Jerry wants her to go tonight to meet him at J.B. Isn't that enough excitement to warrant a special bulletin? When they announce the new point score in July we will know whether or not you will get a discharge. I dreamed last night you were out in our block going up and down the alley greeting people. I haven't dreamed of you for many months. I mean dreamed in my sleep - I dream when I'm awake of what it will be like when you are here again. Hazel said Irene had a very good night last night. She is sick and miserable but doing all right. Hazel & I somehow got to discussing you coming home. Oh I know, I was telling her about Jerry. She figures you are waiting for a point discharge. She's heard it said 75 will be the new score. I made a mistake last Sat and told her 72 in error She said she & Earl had been talking it over and in a few months you'd have enough points to get 75. They don't read the rules sharply or they'd know it says points as of May. I said you had written then I told her you had 77. You might change your mind and apply, but you weren't just at that time. Then I agreed it
817-19 St S.E Cedar Rapids, Iowa June 22, 1945 Dearest, Here it is the middle of morn at the office but I'm taking time out to send you the news. Leone just called to say that Carol got a telegram & a phone call from Jerry. He landed yesterday at Boston and e is being moved to J.B. Carol has a married sister in St. Louis and Jerry wants her to go tonight to meet him at J.B. Isn't that enough excitement to warrant a special bulletin? When they announce the new point score in July we will know whether or not you will get a discharge. I dreamed last night you were out in our block going up and down the alley greeting people. I haven't dreamed of you for many months. I mean dreamed in my sleep - I dream when I'm awake of what it will be like when you are here again. Hazel said Irene had a very good night last night. She is sick and miserable but doing all right. Hazel & I somehow got to discussing you coming home. Oh I know, I was telling her about Jerry. She figures you are waiting for a point discharge. She's heard it said 75 will be the new score. I made a mistake last Sat and told her 72 in error She said she & Earl had been talking it over and in a few months you'd have enough points to get 75. They don't read the rules sharply or they'd know it says points as of May. I said you had written then I told her you had 77. You might change your mind and apply, but you weren't just at that time. Then I agreed it
World War II Diaries and Letters