Laura Davis letters to her husband Lloyd Davis, 1945
1945-06-17 Laura Davis to Lloyd Davis Page 2
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2 technicality. I said I thought first and foremost that you should decide what you felt you should do. Then, that whatever you decided, I was waiting to help you carry out your plans. I thought if you were not ill and you felt there was work to do, you would take your time about applying for a discharge. If you were sick or they were just having you kill time it would be another matter. [Then when they announced points, I thought you would not have enough. Then the prospect of lower points quite excited me. I figured you might take a discharge on points when you wouldn't on age. After all, you've been over-age all the time, so why consider that at this late date. But they told you in the draft when they wanted you, and telling you by points that you'd served your turn was a different proposition all together. Well Earl was discussing it with me at the time they announced age 42, and he started counting off like you'd apply on the morn of Oct 12. I was annoyed like I have been at different times when he and some others have suggested they knew more about you than I did. It had even been said to me I did not appreciate what a good workman you were. I let that pass unnoticed. I suppose if I'd hemmed and hawed all the time about my poor, dear suffering husband and his great sacrifices and dripped a few public tears it would have shown real feeling on my part. Such talk about be foolish and both you & I
2 technicality. I said I thought first and foremost that you should decide what you felt you should do. Then, that whatever you decided, I was waiting to help you carry out your plans. I thought if you were not ill and you felt there was work to do, you would take your time about applying for a discharge. If you were sick or they were just having you kill time it would be another matter. [Then when they announced points, I thought you would not have enough. Then the prospect of lower points quite excited me. I figured you might take a discharge on points when you wouldn't on age. After all, you've been over-age all the time, so why consider that at this late date. But they told you in the draft when they wanted you, and telling you by points that you'd served your turn was a different proposition all together. Well Earl was discussing it with me at the time they announced age 42, and he started counting off like you'd apply on the morn of Oct 12. I was annoyed like I have been at different times when he and some others have suggested they knew more about you than I did. It had even been said to me I did not appreciate what a good workman you were. I let that pass unnoticed. I suppose if I'd hemmed and hawed all the time about my poor, dear suffering husband and his great sacrifices and dripped a few public tears it would have shown real feeling on my part. Such talk about be foolish and both you & I
World War II Diaries and Letters