Laura Davis letters to her husband Lloyd Davis, 1945
1945-08-12 Laura Davis to Lloyd Davis Page 2
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hours. Then I put it away in its box to wait for you. One additional speculation comes to me -- you carried a lot of the stuff from Africa. If you didn't send it home when you went to France, I wonder if it means you are now unloading your stuff to reduce weight and get ready to sail home? Time will tell. The war news has every one in suspense. I woke up at 4 o'clock this morn and turned on the radio. All the stations were on all night but no news came. Then I woke up at 8 and heard a regular broadcast. Congreg. Church is on vacation in Aug., so as usual in Aug I'll go down to First Baptist. I was talking yesterday to Mr. Anderson. He is still president of the Child Welfare Board. I was again outlining my troubles & ideas in a children's welfare program here. He is going to
hours. Then I put it away in its box to wait for you. One additional speculation comes to me -- you carried a lot of the stuff from Africa. If you didn't send it home when you went to France, I wonder if it means you are now unloading your stuff to reduce weight and get ready to sail home? Time will tell. The war news has every one in suspense. I woke up at 4 o'clock this morn and turned on the radio. All the stations were on all night but no news came. Then I woke up at 8 and heard a regular broadcast. Congreg. Church is on vacation in Aug., so as usual in Aug I'll go down to First Baptist. I was talking yesterday to Mr. Anderson. He is still president of the Child Welfare Board. I was again outlining my troubles & ideas in a children's welfare program here. He is going to
World War II Diaries and Letters