Laura Davis letters from friends and family, 1943
1943-07-16 Ardie to Butch Page 2
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On her way to Ottumwa, via Eagle Grove. Life moves merrily along in the West Union. The board is really swell to wrok with, and I'm enjoying things quite a lot. It somehow seemed a little difficult when Betty was here, when really it should have been wonderful. But somehow, I couldn't quite feel that I had much of anything to do up on dictation on all I've been doing so far, for Betty needed Zaida all of the time before her departure. My car is still but a luxury to me. The Minneapolis board has been very slow about getting the necessary information to the board here so they could issue my supplemental gas. That has finally arrived and the local board is to act very shortly. Then I can apply for tires, and I hope they'll find something material in the line of cooperation. I couldn't have arrived at a worse moment, for they are head over heels in the midst of getting out A book for gas renewals. In fact. I worked for three solid hours last night and took care of just 50 renewals. And that seemed to be something of a record, so think of the work. Perhaps I'll help out again sometime soon. Maybe then they'll be more helpful in my situation. Hope so. Heard from Kathryn, and they are sharing a house with someone. Not too sure how the sharing end of the deal is going to work out, but being very happy to have a place even to share. Came through town Tuesday night, but it was pretty late, so I spent what little time I had visiting with the family and doing my washing. Pip drove all the was from Des Moines -- and it was really scorching. I stayed overnight at home and came the rest of the way on the bus to Oelwein for it was one of my days to be there. Then I rode home with the director of Social Welfare. It's evening now and I am at home, following the usual plate lunch, and just about ready for bed. So we'll call quits on this and put it in the mail tomorrow. I understand that this town is not blessed with Sunday mail service -- imagine! How goes it? Are you going to vacation, and when does the job change take place. Any more news from Africa? Yours in persperation, ardie
On her way to Ottumwa, via Eagle Grove. Life moves merrily along in the West Union. The board is really swell to wrok with, and I'm enjoying things quite a lot. It somehow seemed a little difficult when Betty was here, when really it should have been wonderful. But somehow, I couldn't quite feel that I had much of anything to do up on dictation on all I've been doing so far, for Betty needed Zaida all of the time before her departure. My car is still but a luxury to me. The Minneapolis board has been very slow about getting the necessary information to the board here so they could issue my supplemental gas. That has finally arrived and the local board is to act very shortly. Then I can apply for tires, and I hope they'll find something material in the line of cooperation. I couldn't have arrived at a worse moment, for they are head over heels in the midst of getting out A book for gas renewals. In fact. I worked for three solid hours last night and took care of just 50 renewals. And that seemed to be something of a record, so think of the work. Perhaps I'll help out again sometime soon. Maybe then they'll be more helpful in my situation. Hope so. Heard from Kathryn, and they are sharing a house with someone. Not too sure how the sharing end of the deal is going to work out, but being very happy to have a place even to share. Came through town Tuesday night, but it was pretty late, so I spent what little time I had visiting with the family and doing my washing. Pip drove all the was from Des Moines -- and it was really scorching. I stayed overnight at home and came the rest of the way on the bus to Oelwein for it was one of my days to be there. Then I rode home with the director of Social Welfare. It's evening now and I am at home, following the usual plate lunch, and just about ready for bed. So we'll call quits on this and put it in the mail tomorrow. I understand that this town is not blessed with Sunday mail service -- imagine! How goes it? Are you going to vacation, and when does the job change take place. Any more news from Africa? Yours in persperation, ardie
World War II Diaries and Letters