Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-01-06 Bessie Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 1
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1-6-44 Dear Laura: Hope you arrived home safely, when and if you caught the NEXT train!!! I arrived in Detroit Sun-p.m. and didn't find travelling this way (in this direction, I mean) nearly as crowded as the West-bound route. Was talking with Sue about my getting something, eventually, with the Red Cross and she thought I should write you for suggestions because she reported that you were pursued by them for some time.
1-6-44 Dear Laura: Hope you arrived home safely, when and if you caught the NEXT train!!! I arrived in Detroit Sun-p.m. and didn't find travelling this way (in this direction, I mean) nearly as crowded as the West-bound route. Was talking with Sue about my getting something, eventually, with the Red Cross and she thought I should write you for suggestions because she reported that you were pursued by them for some time.
World War II Diaries and Letters