Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-04-12 Maurice Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 2
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Most of the boys are getting more and better training of all sorts. It's a twelve weeks course, with five more weeks to go. The cooks haven't had much yet, but we can expect to start any time soon. Most of it is some type of specialized training by groups although there is some general drill. We have all new officers, except two, but only a few replacements have arrived to date. So it seems we'll be here a couple more months before we are up to full battalion strength. How do you make out with the relatives? I suppose there is always some new problem or battle. So your present job going to last? If not, you probably have a new one in line. Looks like mine will last quite a while. I signed up for two years or the duration plus six months, whichever is longer. Anyhow I won't be unemployed for a while. Maybe I'll be in line for an old age pension when I'm discharged. Have made us of some of the liberty permitted us. We are limited to a radius of fifty miles, unless
Most of the boys are getting more and better training of all sorts. It's a twelve weeks course, with five more weeks to go. The cooks haven't had much yet, but we can expect to start any time soon. Most of it is some type of specialized training by groups although there is some general drill. We have all new officers, except two, but only a few replacements have arrived to date. So it seems we'll be here a couple more months before we are up to full battalion strength. How do you make out with the relatives? I suppose there is always some new problem or battle. So your present job going to last? If not, you probably have a new one in line. Looks like mine will last quite a while. I signed up for two years or the duration plus six months, whichever is longer. Anyhow I won't be unemployed for a while. Maybe I'll be in line for an old age pension when I'm discharged. Have made us of some of the liberty permitted us. We are limited to a radius of fifty miles, unless
World War II Diaries and Letters