Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-05-16 Susie Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 1
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1 742 O.S. Colfan Chi 49 May 16, 1944 Dear Frances: I know your letter is around somewhere but I don't know exactly where at the moment. I have not written to Dean Geiger. He might think I had enough psychology to teach it but I doubt it very much. I have had 23 hours (almost a major) of undergrad + 10 hours of grad work in it. My Grad major is guidance + personnel. I was thinking mostly of the Dean's job when I wrote you. Not that I want to live in a dormitory! Your point about the hom do I know it would help out the folks' situation to come to C.R. is well taken. I was assuming they would agree to move there or nearby, and had in mind taking it up with them if it looked likely I could get a job at Coe. However, I last week had a letter from Tom saying Mama had been to the doctor & he says she has pernicious anemia and is hopeful it will respond to treatment but that she must have rest and care. Bess is going home for a while. She will be coming through Chicago on Wednesday evening. I don't know how long she plans to stay - it probably will depend on how Mama gets along. I have previously written to Cecil if she could go part of the summer. She says she could go June 15 to July 15 if necessary. I had planned, before this anemia came up, to take the latter half of August and the first part of September - up to Labor Day. Now, it will depend on
1 742 O.S. Colfan Chi 49 May 16, 1944 Dear Frances: I know your letter is around somewhere but I don't know exactly where at the moment. I have not written to Dean Geiger. He might think I had enough psychology to teach it but I doubt it very much. I have had 23 hours (almost a major) of undergrad + 10 hours of grad work in it. My Grad major is guidance + personnel. I was thinking mostly of the Dean's job when I wrote you. Not that I want to live in a dormitory! Your point about the hom do I know it would help out the folks' situation to come to C.R. is well taken. I was assuming they would agree to move there or nearby, and had in mind taking it up with them if it looked likely I could get a job at Coe. However, I last week had a letter from Tom saying Mama had been to the doctor & he says she has pernicious anemia and is hopeful it will respond to treatment but that she must have rest and care. Bess is going home for a while. She will be coming through Chicago on Wednesday evening. I don't know how long she plans to stay - it probably will depend on how Mama gets along. I have previously written to Cecil if she could go part of the summer. She says she could go June 15 to July 15 if necessary. I had planned, before this anemia came up, to take the latter half of August and the first part of September - up to Labor Day. Now, it will depend on
World War II Diaries and Letters