Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-06-01 Susie Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 1
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7420 S. Colfar Chicago 49, Illinois 1 June 1944 Dear Frances: Heard from Bess. It seems that mama's red blood count is up considerably. However, Freda writes that there is no cure for pernicious anemia and seemed to regard the situation as grave. I told Bess that if they are following the doctor's orders I do not know anything more to do. So we will have to wait & see. If mama gains, I think September would be a good time for you to take your "vacation." If she doesn't, all our plans will have to be modified to fit the situation. Will you please send the money soon as I want to get the premiums for the first year paid up + kind of get my finances in a little better order. I am glad we were in agreement on figures.
7420 S. Colfar Chicago 49, Illinois 1 June 1944 Dear Frances: Heard from Bess. It seems that mama's red blood count is up considerably. However, Freda writes that there is no cure for pernicious anemia and seemed to regard the situation as grave. I told Bess that if they are following the doctor's orders I do not know anything more to do. So we will have to wait & see. If mama gains, I think September would be a good time for you to take your "vacation." If she doesn't, all our plans will have to be modified to fit the situation. Will you please send the money soon as I want to get the premiums for the first year paid up + kind of get my finances in a little better order. I am glad we were in agreement on figures.
World War II Diaries and Letters