Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-08-06 Maurice Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis
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Camp Parks, Calif 6 August 1944 Dear Frances, Thought I should write you a line as you might think I've moved. We're about to get under way again. Had physicals last week and I wasn't among the 4 f's. The rest of the us will go on leave sometime this week, on the 10th as near as we now know. Guess I'll be lucky if I get 12 days. Since I plan to stop at Kress, I'll have only two or three days at home, perhaps between the 13th and 17th. Guess that;s about all I can do for the situation, as I'll not have time to go to Cedar Rapids. Wish I could be more definite. We've not been given any definite information yet but expect to have some within a few days. Will try to let you know in time for you to be home while I'm there, if you have the time or inclination to do so. Love, Maurice
Camp Parks, Calif 6 August 1944 Dear Frances, Thought I should write you a line as you might think I've moved. We're about to get under way again. Had physicals last week and I wasn't among the 4 f's. The rest of the us will go on leave sometime this week, on the 10th as near as we now know. Guess I'll be lucky if I get 12 days. Since I plan to stop at Kress, I'll have only two or three days at home, perhaps between the 13th and 17th. Guess that;s about all I can do for the situation, as I'll not have time to go to Cedar Rapids. Wish I could be more definite. We've not been given any definite information yet but expect to have some within a few days. Will try to let you know in time for you to be home while I'm there, if you have the time or inclination to do so. Love, Maurice
World War II Diaries and Letters