Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-08-07 Susie Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 2
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to fry, around the kitchen. Yesterday she had a pain in the right side, low down, of her back and stayed in bed. She got up for breakfast this morning but went back to bed. She has not had much pain this summer until yesterday. May be a sort of cold settled there. I received the money. Thanks for your promptness. It is now war bonds - most of it. I did not get to take time off in July. The boss was away and the battle with the Board was stillon so I had to hold the place down. I don't think we've seen all the battle yet. The Board are mostly good Republicans who are in a reactionary mood and that is really the root of the difficulty although all the little side issues, like the
to fry, around the kitchen. Yesterday she had a pain in the right side, low down, of her back and stayed in bed. She got up for breakfast this morning but went back to bed. She has not had much pain this summer until yesterday. May be a sort of cold settled there. I received the money. Thanks for your promptness. It is now war bonds - most of it. I did not get to take time off in July. The boss was away and the battle with the Board was stillon so I had to hold the place down. I don't think we've seen all the battle yet. The Board are mostly good Republicans who are in a reactionary mood and that is really the root of the difficulty although all the little side issues, like the
World War II Diaries and Letters