Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-08-07 Susie Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 3
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resignation of an incompetent Dean, were dragged in to confuse the issue. Managed to finish my work & qualify for the M.A. I agree with Lloyd that since he is in Oran it is a good place to stay. I certainly would if I were in his place. Maurice has been talking about receiving a furlough. We don't know for sure if he will get it. He is still at Camp Parks but if they grant them furloughs now it probably means they will be moving out. Don't mention that in a letter here. All for now, Much love, Sue
resignation of an incompetent Dean, were dragged in to confuse the issue. Managed to finish my work & qualify for the M.A. I agree with Lloyd that since he is in Oran it is a good place to stay. I certainly would if I were in his place. Maurice has been talking about receiving a furlough. We don't know for sure if he will get it. He is still at Camp Parks but if they grant them furloughs now it probably means they will be moving out. Don't mention that in a letter here. All for now, Much love, Sue
World War II Diaries and Letters