Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-08-31 B.J. to Butch Page 1
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Aug 31, 1944 CHICKASAW CO. WELFARE BD. BOX 8 NEW HAMPTON, IOWA Butch - Can't find wooden cigar boxes. Will the paste board type do? No film received since I was there - Clementine promised to help me keep my eyes open for it - No sterling silver baby cups either. And what happens to wall paper sample books? Seems to me that lots of things could be done with them. Nothing new to report - Charles to supposed to have a furlough the last go september or the first of October. Watch out for your reputation. I imagine you've looked up that section Mildred was talking about by now. It's section XXII - 1 - 1. It reads & the reporting will specifically include services intended by all public welfare workers so are employed under the organization of the state Department...They include both the classification of child welfare worker and social welfare worker" The form is RS-1214-11. If you don't get it, I'll send more information. From the looks of it, Mildred appears to be right. It goes on "In Counties in which the child welfare worker is not under the supervision of the director..., separate
Aug 31, 1944 CHICKASAW CO. WELFARE BD. BOX 8 NEW HAMPTON, IOWA Butch - Can't find wooden cigar boxes. Will the paste board type do? No film received since I was there - Clementine promised to help me keep my eyes open for it - No sterling silver baby cups either. And what happens to wall paper sample books? Seems to me that lots of things could be done with them. Nothing new to report - Charles to supposed to have a furlough the last go september or the first of October. Watch out for your reputation. I imagine you've looked up that section Mildred was talking about by now. It's section XXII - 1 - 1. It reads & the reporting will specifically include services intended by all public welfare workers so are employed under the organization of the state Department...They include both the classification of child welfare worker and social welfare worker" The form is RS-1214-11. If you don't get it, I'll send more information. From the looks of it, Mildred appears to be right. It goes on "In Counties in which the child welfare worker is not under the supervision of the director..., separate
World War II Diaries and Letters