Letters to Laura Davis, 1944
1944-09-11 Maurice Hutchison to Laura Frances Davis Page 1
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H.DQCo. 26th N.C.B. Sec. 1 Fleet P.O. San Francisco 11 September 1944 Dear Frances, Thought I should write you a line so you would have my new address. It doesn't mean anything definite to anyone except Uncle Sam, but that's all it takes for a letter to be delivered. We're organized in two sections and it is important to include the section number for we will likely be in different locations before long. We drew heavy clothing last week so it seems we're headed north. In fact we're already started. Left Camp Parks Sunday and are now at Treasure Island, in the bay, awaiting to go aboard. Looks as if we'll be here several days. All we do is clean the barracks and muster twice a day - a cook's paradise I tell the boys. I know our vacation will end the minute we go aboard ship. At any rate, if we go to alaska, the trip will be only one-third as long as the one to the S. Pacific.
H.DQCo. 26th N.C.B. Sec. 1 Fleet P.O. San Francisco 11 September 1944 Dear Frances, Thought I should write you a line so you would have my new address. It doesn't mean anything definite to anyone except Uncle Sam, but that's all it takes for a letter to be delivered. We're organized in two sections and it is important to include the section number for we will likely be in different locations before long. We drew heavy clothing last week so it seems we're headed north. In fact we're already started. Left Camp Parks Sunday and are now at Treasure Island, in the bay, awaiting to go aboard. Looks as if we'll be here several days. All we do is clean the barracks and muster twice a day - a cook's paradise I tell the boys. I know our vacation will end the minute we go aboard ship. At any rate, if we go to alaska, the trip will be only one-third as long as the one to the S. Pacific.
World War II Diaries and Letters