Laura Davis assorted letters, October-December 1942
1942-11-06 Lloyd Davis to Laura Davis Page 1
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U.S. ARMY FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MD. Nov 7 1942 Fri nite Dearest. Got your package today it was it good shape not broken at all sure was a good assortment of candy + things it will last quite a while I wont give it away except to Bunce. he gives me stuff when his wife sends him things to eat. we were out on the range again today not so bad going not learning much. wasteing a lot of time. they say the gun we are working on costs $1500 it isnt worth that much weather is good for outdoor work we had some ham for supper tonite the first good meat we got so far we got a portion, about a tablespoon full Sure is a disgrace to the U.S. so close to the capital to have a camp like this We have a rumor now that we will be through at this camp about Nov 25 nothing be sure of
U.S. ARMY FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MD. Nov 7 1942 Fri nite Dearest. Got your package today it was it good shape not broken at all sure was a good assortment of candy + things it will last quite a while I wont give it away except to Bunce. he gives me stuff when his wife sends him things to eat. we were out on the range again today not so bad going not learning much. wasteing a lot of time. they say the gun we are working on costs $1500 it isnt worth that much weather is good for outdoor work we had some ham for supper tonite the first good meat we got so far we got a portion, about a tablespoon full Sure is a disgrace to the U.S. so close to the capital to have a camp like this We have a rumor now that we will be through at this camp about Nov 25 nothing be sure of
World War II Diaries and Letters