Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1935-07-07 Joseph Evans to Mary Evans Page 2
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2 after all, that Horace thing just wouldn't have been if it weren't for you. I'm no Latin scholar and I don't think I want to take away more of it. Your remarks about Of Love and the River (I'm afraid you're under the influence of Miss [illegible] ) have kind of squelched me: I did a thing which was perhaps dumb. Yesterday morning I was down in Field's book section and I spent hours trying to find something for John. I was in a terrific hurry as I had loads of other shopping to do, so finally in despair I grabbed Look Homeward Angel (Modern Library Giant) and sent it to him. I really couldn't think of another thing that he would like, and I thought he liked Thomas Wolf a lot. So. Fields wrapped it as a gift, enclosed a card, and sent it all for just the price of the postage, which I would have to have paid anyway. Also in Field's yesterday morn I bought a real cute thing for Richard. You shove it along and it makes music. Bob and I went in on it together. Then we got some things for Jo together: three very stunning handkercheifs and a
2 after all, that Horace thing just wouldn't have been if it weren't for you. I'm no Latin scholar and I don't think I want to take away more of it. Your remarks about Of Love and the River (I'm afraid you're under the influence of Miss [illegible] ) have kind of squelched me: I did a thing which was perhaps dumb. Yesterday morning I was down in Field's book section and I spent hours trying to find something for John. I was in a terrific hurry as I had loads of other shopping to do, so finally in despair I grabbed Look Homeward Angel (Modern Library Giant) and sent it to him. I really couldn't think of another thing that he would like, and I thought he liked Thomas Wolf a lot. So. Fields wrapped it as a gift, enclosed a card, and sent it all for just the price of the postage, which I would have to have paid anyway. Also in Field's yesterday morn I bought a real cute thing for Richard. You shove it along and it makes music. Bob and I went in on it together. Then we got some things for Jo together: three very stunning handkercheifs and a
World War II Diaries and Letters