Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1935-10-25 Joseph Evans to Mary Evans Page 2
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this eve, the nurses dance, or ride up and down Main St singing the Marsialles (illegible), etc etc with Rudy, McFanigan, Delmar Richard (a very peculiar but interesting creature) et al. It will probably be the last mentioned. All of which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with anything at all. Perhaps you are having doubts re my filial devotions but as far as any conversation with Daddy is concerned, I might just as well be a hundred miles away - I mean, it was always like that. He is very grand tho. Rowan becomes more impossible every day. Between McKinley (the Chicago Socialite) McFanigan & myself we make the class exceedingly unpleasant for him. The other day he assigned us precisely the same lesson that we were assigned the first day of school. The reason I am so inanely rambling on is that there really isn't much of importance to write about. Also I am very sleepy. Asbestos has been hitting around 4 1/2 - Daddy has mentioned a new Packard in the spring. But please please don't dare mention this in a letter. Well so long toots Much love Jody
this eve, the nurses dance, or ride up and down Main St singing the Marsialles (illegible), etc etc with Rudy, McFanigan, Delmar Richard (a very peculiar but interesting creature) et al. It will probably be the last mentioned. All of which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with anything at all. Perhaps you are having doubts re my filial devotions but as far as any conversation with Daddy is concerned, I might just as well be a hundred miles away - I mean, it was always like that. He is very grand tho. Rowan becomes more impossible every day. Between McKinley (the Chicago Socialite) McFanigan & myself we make the class exceedingly unpleasant for him. The other day he assigned us precisely the same lesson that we were assigned the first day of school. The reason I am so inanely rambling on is that there really isn't much of importance to write about. Also I am very sleepy. Asbestos has been hitting around 4 1/2 - Daddy has mentioned a new Packard in the spring. But please please don't dare mention this in a letter. Well so long toots Much love Jody
World War II Diaries and Letters