Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1939-10-28 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 2
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unreasonably frightened by the loss of foreign markets on account of the war, and in general they are firing people instead of hiring them. But this absurd condition will not obtain for long. I was terribly sorry, but not greatly surprised, to hear about Anna Cleary's death. I too was fond of her, although I guess it has been years since I have seen her. Am immersed in A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs (the English translation & the title is inadequate), the second part of Remembrance of Things Past. I do not know whether or not I shall read all eight volumes, but the charm of Proust's style and the delicacy of his perceptions keep me absorbed in the work. Have also read Wolfe's The Web and The Rock which did not especially disappoint me because I did not expect it to compare with Look Homeward, Angel. And I am still continuing my studies of French, philosophy, and psychology. Thank you again for the money. Love Joseph
unreasonably frightened by the loss of foreign markets on account of the war, and in general they are firing people instead of hiring them. But this absurd condition will not obtain for long. I was terribly sorry, but not greatly surprised, to hear about Anna Cleary's death. I too was fond of her, although I guess it has been years since I have seen her. Am immersed in A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs (the English translation & the title is inadequate), the second part of Remembrance of Things Past. I do not know whether or not I shall read all eight volumes, but the charm of Proust's style and the delicacy of his perceptions keep me absorbed in the work. Have also read Wolfe's The Web and The Rock which did not especially disappoint me because I did not expect it to compare with Look Homeward, Angel. And I am still continuing my studies of French, philosophy, and psychology. Thank you again for the money. Love Joseph
World War II Diaries and Letters