Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1937-07-13 Joseph Evans to Mary Evans Page 1
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Tuesday morning 8:30 AM [7/13/37] Dear Mary I have just gotten home from work and your special awaited me. You seem so generally in a heat about things I thought I had better answer it right away, altho I am very sleepy, as my writing no doubt indicates. About Quebec: I should love to go, naturally. But I haven't the slightest idea of how much money I will have by, say, August 1st. As I explained in my last letter which evidently crossed yours, my job at Warner Bros. is very indefinite as to length of duration. Granted it should last until Aug. 1st I would quit then and hitch-hike home. Furthermore I told you that I am getting 75¢ per hr. which is true but for
Tuesday morning 8:30 AM [7/13/37] Dear Mary I have just gotten home from work and your special awaited me. You seem so generally in a heat about things I thought I had better answer it right away, altho I am very sleepy, as my writing no doubt indicates. About Quebec: I should love to go, naturally. But I haven't the slightest idea of how much money I will have by, say, August 1st. As I explained in my last letter which evidently crossed yours, my job at Warner Bros. is very indefinite as to length of duration. Granted it should last until Aug. 1st I would quit then and hitch-hike home. Furthermore I told you that I am getting 75¢ per hr. which is true but for
World War II Diaries and Letters