Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1938-04-09 Joseph Evans to Jo Page 1
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Southern California 9 April 1938 Dear Jo, This is to thank you and at the same time to scold you for being so generous. You should not do stuff like that but I certainly thank you very very much. Awfully sorry I did not answer your former letter before this, but you know how I am about correspondence, and besides I have been pretty busy. Understand you have been having a bit of snow of late. Not to rub it in or anything, but it has been quite hot here lately, although we did have a rather high fog early in March. Blayney's sister Helen does live in a castle in Ireland. They got a beautiful Christmas card from her - the Residence, Castle something-or-other and all that sort
Southern California 9 April 1938 Dear Jo, This is to thank you and at the same time to scold you for being so generous. You should not do stuff like that but I certainly thank you very very much. Awfully sorry I did not answer your former letter before this, but you know how I am about correspondence, and besides I have been pretty busy. Understand you have been having a bit of snow of late. Not to rub it in or anything, but it has been quite hot here lately, although we did have a rather high fog early in March. Blayney's sister Helen does live in a castle in Ireland. They got a beautiful Christmas card from her - the Residence, Castle something-or-other and all that sort
World War II Diaries and Letters