Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1940-08-06 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 1
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Tuesday night 6 August 1040 Dear Dad and Mary Ellen - I arrived in Iowa City with no difficulty - in fact I was whisked here at an almost uncomfortable velocity. Monday morning I registered and conferred with Dr Pitcher - who, by the way, was very well pleased indeed with my work in his course this summer; he thought both my term paper and my examination was splendid. Since then I have been hard at work reading and taking notes in preparation for my thesis - it is to be concerned primarily with the theory of synaesthesis which Richard propounds in The Foundations of Aesthetics. Iowa City has certainly undergone a great change since last week, but I find the solitude much more pleasant and more profitable that I had anticipated. One thing I discovered to my extreme annoyance: my room rent has been raised from $9.00 to $14.00 because I am now the only person occupying it. I objected strenuously to this arbitrariness and then appealed to Mrs. Saunders, the matron, - but seemingly nothing can
Tuesday night 6 August 1040 Dear Dad and Mary Ellen - I arrived in Iowa City with no difficulty - in fact I was whisked here at an almost uncomfortable velocity. Monday morning I registered and conferred with Dr Pitcher - who, by the way, was very well pleased indeed with my work in his course this summer; he thought both my term paper and my examination was splendid. Since then I have been hard at work reading and taking notes in preparation for my thesis - it is to be concerned primarily with the theory of synaesthesis which Richard propounds in The Foundations of Aesthetics. Iowa City has certainly undergone a great change since last week, but I find the solitude much more pleasant and more profitable that I had anticipated. One thing I discovered to my extreme annoyance: my room rent has been raised from $9.00 to $14.00 because I am now the only person occupying it. I objected strenuously to this arbitrariness and then appealed to Mrs. Saunders, the matron, - but seemingly nothing can
World War II Diaries and Letters