Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1940-05-16 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 1
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Thursday afternoon 5/16/40 Dear Dad and Mary Ellen, Thank you very much for the check. I went to see Maxwell again the other day about a reading job for this summer, but he said that he would not be able to tell me until after registration, since the budget, strictly speaking, provides for only one such job, and that was taken long ago. Final exams begin Monday, and I shall be through Friday afternoon. Will it be possible for Mary to collect me at that time? since otherwise I do not know how I can transfer my belongings. I think that I definitely should attend the summer session, and in this regard I wanted to you, Mary Ellen, that I do not think I will be able to room with Chuck, because another arrangement (which was only tentative when you were here) has
Thursday afternoon 5/16/40 Dear Dad and Mary Ellen, Thank you very much for the check. I went to see Maxwell again the other day about a reading job for this summer, but he said that he would not be able to tell me until after registration, since the budget, strictly speaking, provides for only one such job, and that was taken long ago. Final exams begin Monday, and I shall be through Friday afternoon. Will it be possible for Mary to collect me at that time? since otherwise I do not know how I can transfer my belongings. I think that I definitely should attend the summer session, and in this regard I wanted to you, Mary Ellen, that I do not think I will be able to room with Chuck, because another arrangement (which was only tentative when you were here) has
World War II Diaries and Letters