Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1940-05-06 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 1
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Monday afternoon 5/6/40 Dear Dad and Mary - This morning I had a long talk with Foerster; his secretary had already given him your message, Mary, and he expressed his regrets at not being in when you called and told me to send you his regards, which I hereby do. I then proceeded to belabor him with some of my academic problems, telling him that I was not at all sure that I wished to specialize in Middle English, and that at the moment I thought I would like to do something with Matthew Arnold (this occurred to me yesterday as I was reading some of Arnold's poetry) - an idea which led to the classics, of course: Foerster informed me, in effect, that if I would become a Greek scholar I would have a virtually open field - few rivals, I mean - and that
Monday afternoon 5/6/40 Dear Dad and Mary - This morning I had a long talk with Foerster; his secretary had already given him your message, Mary, and he expressed his regrets at not being in when you called and told me to send you his regards, which I hereby do. I then proceeded to belabor him with some of my academic problems, telling him that I was not at all sure that I wished to specialize in Middle English, and that at the moment I thought I would like to do something with Matthew Arnold (this occurred to me yesterday as I was reading some of Arnold's poetry) - an idea which led to the classics, of course: Foerster informed me, in effect, that if I would become a Greek scholar I would have a virtually open field - few rivals, I mean - and that
World War II Diaries and Letters