Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1940-05-06 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 3
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3 indicated clearly enough that I was in no very dire need; in the second place, I was informed that the possibilities for cash jobs were negligible, and it was suggested that I apply for work in the store in town (because of my department-store experience) - which did not impress me as being a very happy idea. I asked about working on the Iowan, and they said that such jobs in summer were usually taken by graduates in journalism. I do not want to work a board job but I will if you think I should. I still have one other possibility - a reading job in the English department, about which I shall see Maxwell again as soon as I can. Anyway, thank you very much, Mary Ellen, for your efforts on my behalf in that regard. And aside from that, thank you for coming down; people were impressed - for instance Betty, the English department secretary, remarked this morning on your "refreshing vitality." I had lunch today with Wilbur Schramm, among others; he is still talking about the
3 indicated clearly enough that I was in no very dire need; in the second place, I was informed that the possibilities for cash jobs were negligible, and it was suggested that I apply for work in the store in town (because of my department-store experience) - which did not impress me as being a very happy idea. I asked about working on the Iowan, and they said that such jobs in summer were usually taken by graduates in journalism. I do not want to work a board job but I will if you think I should. I still have one other possibility - a reading job in the English department, about which I shall see Maxwell again as soon as I can. Anyway, thank you very much, Mary Ellen, for your efforts on my behalf in that regard. And aside from that, thank you for coming down; people were impressed - for instance Betty, the English department secretary, remarked this morning on your "refreshing vitality." I had lunch today with Wilbur Schramm, among others; he is still talking about the
World War II Diaries and Letters