Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1940-04-11 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 1
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Thursday night 4/12/40 Dear Dad and Mary - Yesterday I was informed by the Graduate College that my application for a tuition scholarship for next year had been refused. This was a severe disappointment, especially in view of the conversation which I had with Foerster when I first came here. I do not know why I didn't get it - there were no reasons stated in the letter - but perhaps they concluded that I was not actually in desperate financial need, or perhaps it was simply that I have not been here long enough, that my political connections as not yet firmly enough cemented. It is a hateful thing, but seemingly politics plays as important a rôle in university life as anywhere else. Anyway, I am playing the game as well as I can now: every one of my present professors is a power on this campus, and I am sure that I have impressed all of them favorable. I shall
Thursday night 4/12/40 Dear Dad and Mary - Yesterday I was informed by the Graduate College that my application for a tuition scholarship for next year had been refused. This was a severe disappointment, especially in view of the conversation which I had with Foerster when I first came here. I do not know why I didn't get it - there were no reasons stated in the letter - but perhaps they concluded that I was not actually in desperate financial need, or perhaps it was simply that I have not been here long enough, that my political connections as not yet firmly enough cemented. It is a hateful thing, but seemingly politics plays as important a rôle in university life as anywhere else. Anyway, I am playing the game as well as I can now: every one of my present professors is a power on this campus, and I am sure that I have impressed all of them favorable. I shall
World War II Diaries and Letters