Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1941-12-30 Joseph Evans to Mary Evans Page 2
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I thought about it, the more I thought it seemed an ideal temporary solution. Father says I should now do as I like: if I don't want to register the second semester, I should just come home on the chance of getting a job here. I could not, without hurting him, tell him that I did not want a job in Dubuque, I would be worse than ever. So, it appears I am doomed to finish my work in Iowa City. Perhaps that is best, though I do not think so; it would certainly be better than staying in Dubuque - if it is a change I need, it ought to be a complete one, environmentally at least. Please, therefore, let me know if you hear of any possibility in Washington (or anywhere), but not ask Mervyn for a job for me. I think I will return to Iowa City tomorrow afternoon, since there will then be nothing further to detain me here. I might stay till Thursday; Father had spoken [illegible] me driving over, but it has been snowing a lot and still is; the roads are treacherous and probably will still be so by Thursday, so I may [be?] will go tomorrow. Nothing of excitement has occurred. Mavis [Noyle?] telephoned this morning, which put me on a spot, but I said you had been here only a very few days and had been very busy, etc. She said I should come down to the office before I left, or that she would call here, or something Father sends his love. Let me hear from you as soon as 'tis convenient for you. Love, Jody 128 North Clinton Iowa City, Iowa P.S. (Wed. morning) - Thorson has just reversed the decision; as far as he is concerned, I am I-A. So now I don't know what's up. I have to take another exam in Des Moines some time in January - that will be definite - J.
I thought about it, the more I thought it seemed an ideal temporary solution. Father says I should now do as I like: if I don't want to register the second semester, I should just come home on the chance of getting a job here. I could not, without hurting him, tell him that I did not want a job in Dubuque, I would be worse than ever. So, it appears I am doomed to finish my work in Iowa City. Perhaps that is best, though I do not think so; it would certainly be better than staying in Dubuque - if it is a change I need, it ought to be a complete one, environmentally at least. Please, therefore, let me know if you hear of any possibility in Washington (or anywhere), but not ask Mervyn for a job for me. I think I will return to Iowa City tomorrow afternoon, since there will then be nothing further to detain me here. I might stay till Thursday; Father had spoken [illegible] me driving over, but it has been snowing a lot and still is; the roads are treacherous and probably will still be so by Thursday, so I may [be?] will go tomorrow. Nothing of excitement has occurred. Mavis [Noyle?] telephoned this morning, which put me on a spot, but I said you had been here only a very few days and had been very busy, etc. She said I should come down to the office before I left, or that she would call here, or something Father sends his love. Let me hear from you as soon as 'tis convenient for you. Love, Jody 128 North Clinton Iowa City, Iowa P.S. (Wed. morning) - Thorson has just reversed the decision; as far as he is concerned, I am I-A. So now I don't know what's up. I have to take another exam in Des Moines some time in January - that will be definite - J.
World War II Diaries and Letters