Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1942-05-04 Joseph Evans to John Evans Page 3
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I trust that your domestic arrangement has continued as satisfactorily as it began. From this distance I can't imagine anything being wrong with it. I still find Washington much more agreeable than I had been led to believe it would be; it is certainly much less hectic and much less crowded than many defense areas in the country. I have not yet had time to do more than begin to explore its possibilities. Since I have been at the Commission, however, I have felt much more in the thick of things. There is simply no describing the difference between the work I am now doing and what I was doing at Catholic University. The other day I was taken to lunch by two deans of American University, who were very eager to assist me in the preparation of an article I am now writing about educational opportunities in Washington. We had lunch at the Hay-Adams House, about a block away from the White House; various celebrities were there. But now it is getting very late. Thank you for taking care of the enclosed document. Love, Joseph
I trust that your domestic arrangement has continued as satisfactorily as it began. From this distance I can't imagine anything being wrong with it. I still find Washington much more agreeable than I had been led to believe it would be; it is certainly much less hectic and much less crowded than many defense areas in the country. I have not yet had time to do more than begin to explore its possibilities. Since I have been at the Commission, however, I have felt much more in the thick of things. There is simply no describing the difference between the work I am now doing and what I was doing at Catholic University. The other day I was taken to lunch by two deans of American University, who were very eager to assist me in the preparation of an article I am now writing about educational opportunities in Washington. We had lunch at the Hay-Adams House, about a block away from the White House; various celebrities were there. But now it is getting very late. Thank you for taking care of the enclosed document. Love, Joseph
World War II Diaries and Letters