Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1942-03-01 Joseph Evans to John Evans Page 1
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3736 12th St. N.E. Washington, D.C. 1 March 1942 Dear Dad - Thank you very much for returning those Civil Service forms so promptly. I have now another favor to ask of you, which I hope you will not cause you too much inconvenience. I very foolishly neglected to bring my M.A. thesis with me, and now I find that I would like to have it; I would like to re-work it, divide it up, and make out of it some critical articles for possible publication. You will find it on the shelf in the closet in my room, in a yellow typewriter-paper folder. The title of it is I.A. Richards on Tragedy. There is also in that closet a black suitcase filled with notes from courses and papers, and I would like to have this also. I thought you might simply put the thesis in the suitcase and then send the case as it is. When I left Dubuque, I did not think that I would have time or inclination to do any work of this kind for quite a while,
3736 12th St. N.E. Washington, D.C. 1 March 1942 Dear Dad - Thank you very much for returning those Civil Service forms so promptly. I have now another favor to ask of you, which I hope you will not cause you too much inconvenience. I very foolishly neglected to bring my M.A. thesis with me, and now I find that I would like to have it; I would like to re-work it, divide it up, and make out of it some critical articles for possible publication. You will find it on the shelf in the closet in my room, in a yellow typewriter-paper folder. The title of it is I.A. Richards on Tragedy. There is also in that closet a black suitcase filled with notes from courses and papers, and I would like to have this also. I thought you might simply put the thesis in the suitcase and then send the case as it is. When I left Dubuque, I did not think that I would have time or inclination to do any work of this kind for quite a while,
World War II Diaries and Letters