Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1942-06-25 Joseph Evans to John Evans Page 1
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3736 12th St., N.E. Washington, D.C. 25 June 1942 Dear Dad - Just a note to let you know that today I received a real promotion - to Editing and Writing Assistant at $2000 a year. Mr. Hathaway, my boss, called me into conference this afternoon and told me about it and explained what my new duties would be. In addition to all that I am doing now, I am to be a special representative of the Commission to such publications as Life, Time, The Christian Science Monitor, and the New York Times. I cannot see how the contacts I would make it this way would be anything but beneficial no matter what I do later on. The promotion has not yet taken effect, but I have made and all the necessary papers, and it will become effective just as soon as possible. Ironically enough, this promotion occurred just as I had about decided to accept a commission in the Navy. Until this week, I had been laboring under the impression that I was ineligible for service in any of the armed forces because of my eyesight. I discovered, however. that it is possible to apply for a
3736 12th St., N.E. Washington, D.C. 25 June 1942 Dear Dad - Just a note to let you know that today I received a real promotion - to Editing and Writing Assistant at $2000 a year. Mr. Hathaway, my boss, called me into conference this afternoon and told me about it and explained what my new duties would be. In addition to all that I am doing now, I am to be a special representative of the Commission to such publications as Life, Time, The Christian Science Monitor, and the New York Times. I cannot see how the contacts I would make it this way would be anything but beneficial no matter what I do later on. The promotion has not yet taken effect, but I have made and all the necessary papers, and it will become effective just as soon as possible. Ironically enough, this promotion occurred just as I had about decided to accept a commission in the Navy. Until this week, I had been laboring under the impression that I was ineligible for service in any of the armed forces because of my eyesight. I discovered, however. that it is possible to apply for a
World War II Diaries and Letters