Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1942-06-25 Joseph Evans to John Evans Page 3
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because one of the conditions under such circumstances is that one agree to serve anywhere - in or outside the continental United States. That's all right with me, because if I got into this war at all, I want to see some action. Anyway, I am happy about the promotion, and about my work in general. Pretty soon one of my articles is going to appear in a magazine called Personnel Administration, which is very important around Washington, and it is going to be under my name. Also, my social life isn't quite as dismal as it was for awhile. I have been entertained a good deal lately, and have come to know some interesting people. Well, I am about to go see Mary Ellen for a while, so this is all for now. Let me hear from you and, belatedly - Happy Father's Day. Love, Joseph
because one of the conditions under such circumstances is that one agree to serve anywhere - in or outside the continental United States. That's all right with me, because if I got into this war at all, I want to see some action. Anyway, I am happy about the promotion, and about my work in general. Pretty soon one of my articles is going to appear in a magazine called Personnel Administration, which is very important around Washington, and it is going to be under my name. Also, my social life isn't quite as dismal as it was for awhile. I have been entertained a good deal lately, and have come to know some interesting people. Well, I am about to go see Mary Ellen for a while, so this is all for now. Let me hear from you and, belatedly - Happy Father's Day. Love, Joseph
World War II Diaries and Letters