Joseph E. Evans letters, 1935-1954
1944-10-17 Joseph Evans to John & Mary Evans Page 1
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17 October En Route to Reno '44 Dear Dad and Mary Ellen - Thank you for the beautiful letter - I am glad Mary is keeping active in so many profitable ways; would suggest a review of Italian for you, though; 'tis Nella qua volustade, not In la. Hope Iowa City will improve Dad - it's hell to have that condition dragging on. I have just completed what was absolutely the most gruelling week of my life, but the results of it have been more than gratifying, so I am very happy. I think I told you I had to write a book on the show. Well, I did - not only write-it, but make it, by hand, in triplicate. I finished it yesterday and I have never seen Mr Gordon more enthusiastic about anything - he talked of nothing else all day - said it was the most beautiful thing of its type he'd ever seen - and immediately sent one to Washington, one to Col. Watesby, our advance advance-agent and kept the third for himself. The only time I had to work on it was at night, so I worked every night till four or five int he morning and got up at 7 or 8 to do a full day's work on the daily show publicity. We had to type
17 October En Route to Reno '44 Dear Dad and Mary Ellen - Thank you for the beautiful letter - I am glad Mary is keeping active in so many profitable ways; would suggest a review of Italian for you, though; 'tis Nella qua volustade, not In la. Hope Iowa City will improve Dad - it's hell to have that condition dragging on. I have just completed what was absolutely the most gruelling week of my life, but the results of it have been more than gratifying, so I am very happy. I think I told you I had to write a book on the show. Well, I did - not only write-it, but make it, by hand, in triplicate. I finished it yesterday and I have never seen Mr Gordon more enthusiastic about anything - he talked of nothing else all day - said it was the most beautiful thing of its type he'd ever seen - and immediately sent one to Washington, one to Col. Watesby, our advance advance-agent and kept the third for himself. The only time I had to work on it was at night, so I worked every night till four or five int he morning and got up at 7 or 8 to do a full day's work on the daily show publicity. We had to type
World War II Diaries and Letters